Saturday, May 19, 2012

Birthday Prep is Sucking the Life Out of Me...

Happy Birthday
photo credit
Please forgive me for my lack of posting- my son's birthday party is tomorrow and I have been running around trying to get everything done that I need to get done. I need to make a mental note for next year to not wait until two weeks before the party to start getting stuff together.

So far I have made the ten Angry Bird balls, covered a butt-load of boxes with craft paper for the life sized Angry Birds game, made the Angry Birds goodie bags and stuffed them with cool stuff (bubbles, Goldfish crackers, fruit snacks, ring pops, Angry Birds stickers and craft kits), filled the Angry Birds pinata with lots of teeth rotting candy, reserved the bounce house, ordered the calzone and pizza for the party and bought all miscellaneous table wear and food.

Oh yes, and then there is the cake. Unlike years past where I have waited until getting home from work on Saturday night to bake the cake therefore making it necessary for me to stay up until two in the morning decorating it, this year I baked the cake yesterday and crumb coated it so that tonight when I get home I can jump right into decorating. This will be by far the most time intensive cake I have done. They don't make Angry Birds cake pans so there was no lazy way out for me. I had to dust off my creative brain cells and come up with my own design. Six batches of homemade cake and a double batch of homemade frosting later I am very excited about how the cake is looking, though it weighs a ton! Now I just have to try and not screw it up with sub par decorating and then hope we don't drop it when we transport it outside for the party (I would literally die if that happened- die).

All of this is for my son who is turning five- I can't wait to see his face when everything is set up for his party. His happiness makes my stress and lack of sleep all worth it. Once his big day is over, Alli's third birthday is only a month away but luckily she isn't in school yet and doesn't have any friends so her big day will be much smaller and more manageable. After that I don't even have to think about birthdays until Jilly Billy turns one in November.

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