Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Budget

One of the ways I keep the costs of my household down is to make and (try to) stick to a budget. I use a spreadsheet to keep track of every penny that my husband and I spend using our debit cards (I don't like cash because I like to know what every cent is spent on). My household consists of two adults, an almost 3 year old, a 10 month old and two dogs.
My Budget is: Groceries $60
Household $10 (health and beauty, cleaning supplies, etc.)
Diapers/Wipes $5
Any money that isn't spent in a week rolls over to the next week and if I overspend one week it is subtracted from the next week. Any rebates that I receive are credited to the category the purchase was made from.
This works great for me because some weeks I don't spend a lot which makes up for the weeks that there are a ton of great deals that I have (want) to take advantage of.
I know that I should budget more for other things like pets and clothing but I just don't feel like taking that next step- not to say that I won't do it someday.
Having a budget is great but I like to be a little laid back about it. When I first started to super coupon about three years ago I would get so upset if I spent over my budget or if I wasn't able to buy everything I needed for under $40 a week. Now I see that my budget is my budget and it is what works best for my family. Plus it helps that my husband could care less if I spent$100 a week or $60 a week as long as he has his necessities- ice cream, soda and Frappuchinos.

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