Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Feeling Lazy...

No Loafing Grand Rapids Public Museum April 05, 20107I have so much to get done today and I feel like doing nothing.

Well, I do feel like taking a nap but I suppose that doesn't count.

I am trying to finish up my daily chores while the girls eat lunch and watch some tv. Then when my son gets home from school I need to help him with homework (math, sight words and 20 minutes of reading), plus a project that is due next week. I also need to cook my family dinner (I'm going out with some moms from my neighborhood around 7 pm so I won't be eating) and somewhere in there I need to prep everything for tomorrow because I need to be out of the house by 7 am for work.

A nap really does sound good right now...

I see an evil caffeine laden soda in my future to put a fire under my butt.

photo credit

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