Friday, August 17, 2012

Dave's Marketplace

4 Kelloggs Fruit Snacks @ $1 each - (2) $1/2 MC
Matthew's Whole Wheat Bread $3.99
Simply GoGurt $2.99
2 Immaculate Baking Co. Crescent Rolls @ $1.50 each - .50 MC
Store Brand Milk $3.49
2 Banquet Sausage Patties @ $1.50 each (guilty treat for myself)
Perdue Perfect Portions $3.99 - $1 MC
1 lb Strawberries $2.99
Blueberries $3.99
1.48 lb Pears $2.50
1.38 lb Bananas $1.09
Personal Size Watermelon $1.99
2 Sierra Mist @ $1.50 each
Sunkist .99
A&W .99
2 Sun Drop @ .99 each - (2) free hang tags web Sunkist/A&W
Less $5 off $25 coupon

Total: $33.99
Saved 51%

I love Dave's Marketplace (a local grocery store chain in Rhode Island). They have awesome sales. 

This week the great deals I got were:
fruit snacks for .50 a box
Perdue Perfect Portions for $2.99 a bag (I will go back for more!)
Immaculate Baking Co. crescent rolls for $1.50 and $1.00 each
Free Sun Drop soda for buying Sunkist/A&W

I signed up for their email list awhile ago and today they randomly sent me a $5 coupon so the shopping I was planning to do ended up even cheaper. Yeah for cheap!

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