Thursday, May 31, 2012

Moms Are Schizophrenic...

32166 Albemarle County School Bus Road-e-o
photo credit
My son graduates from pre-school in a little over a week. When I think of it, I get teary eyed because it is yet another milestone he is going through and one more step towards him being more independent and not needing me as much. I also feel a bit of relief because, well it is one more step towards him being more independent and not needing me. Make sense?

I love taking care of my kids but at the same time I love feeling like a real person and not just a mom whose sole purpose is to put everyone else's needs before her own. While I will miss my kids when they are all in school full time I will enjoy being able to finally breath. In my neck of the woods Kindergarten is half day so my son will be in school full time the year after next, then my daughter two years later and Jilly Billy three years after that (she just misses the cut off of being five to start Kindergarten which is September 1st and she was born in November).

So six years until all of my kids go from being my people to being their own people. While I am impatient for this to happen at the same time I can't even fathom my little babies growing up. Being a mom can be a little schizophrenic at times, can't you tell?

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