Friday, January 6, 2012

And On Goes the Tuition Checks...

don't mess with me...
Yesterday my son's nursery school sent home a registration form for next year. My son is going to be entering kindergarten next year but my daughter, who is 2 1/2 will be entering nursery school.

It is so hard to believe that my little girl is going to be going to school next year- granted, it will only be for two days a week for a few hours but where the heck did the time go? Before I know it the baby is going to be in school and I'm going to be a barren old lady sitting home alone during the day.

Once the sadness wears off about my little sweetie pie going to school the sheer terror will set in when I wonder if she is going to call her classmates weiner-heads and push anyone who won't surrender a toy she wants. At least my son has always been well behaved at school so if my daughter is a monster they won't think I'm a completely awful mom.

And so the tuition check writing will continue...

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