Thursday, June 9, 2011


7 Pull-Ups Wipes @ $1.67 each - (7) $1.00 MC
3 Ivory Soap @ .97 each - (3) $1.00 MC ***Free***
2 Knorr Sides @ $1.00 each
Austin Crackers $2.28 (pregnancy craving)
2 Toddler Pajamas @ $5.00 each
Kraft Parmesan Cheese $2.98
Dog Toothpaste Set $3.97
2 Autocrat Syrup @ $3.38 each (awesome deal!)

Total: $32.90

I originally went to Walmart to return some things and then to buy wipes and soap but the cursed store had so many other things I wanted. The pajamas were a total impulse buy because my daughter loves Sponge Bob (my son has a shirt that she loves) and Minnie Mouse. They will probably fall apart after a few washings because Walmart's clothes are junk but it will be worth it because you should have seen her eyes when she saw them.

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