I just watched the Extreme Couponing show that I recorded and I seriously watched it slack jawed.
I believe in stockpiling things that you will use. when I first started to really get into using coupons I went way overboard and had tons of free things that I would never be able to use in a lifetime (hello Vlasic Relish). Now that I have cooled it down a bit and looked at what is really important in my life, having a buttload of stuff that it took me a buttload of time to acquire is just not up there on my list.
I suppose I would love to have a ton of what we use everyday on hand at all times but I have realized that the toll it takes on my family to constantly be chasing deals is just not worth it to me. Plus, you really have to look at it from the nutritional point of view. While coupons are not all for junk food, many of them are. In the past when I have got in on free deals I have brought food into my house that I do not want want my family to eat (Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks I am talking to you). I would say no, we aren't going to eat this but you know what, the junk food would be there and it would get eaten. I don't mind the occasional free treat but there will be no more stocking up on crap that I don't want my kids to eat.
As far as dumpster diving goes, the only way I would jump into a dumpster is if one of my children was stuck in one and it was a life or death situation- even at that point I may pause for a moment just because dumpsters are really gross. So, just to reiterate, I would never jump into a receptacle that people throw out things that they don't want into.
I am just going to throw this out there, even though i know it may sound mean, but why in the world would someone who is obviously overweight go and buy a mass amount of candy bars and Yokisoba noodles? I could get tons of noodles for free too but I don't want tons of that crap in my house. A few is fine, tons is just ridiculous. Free is not free if it is going to kill you in the long run. An occasional candy bar = okay. A ton of candy bars sitting around waiting for you to engorge on them = not too okay.
So, extreme couponers, go ahead and do your thing if it is what makes you happy and fulfilled in life. I, on the other hand, will be using coupons but also making sure that my family gets the time and (somewhat) healthy food that they need. Call me a hater but, well yeah- I am a hater. And to tell you the truth, I hate a lot of stuff so this really isn't a biggie.
"As far as dumpster diving goes, the only way I would jump into a dumpster is if one of my children was stuck in one and it was a life or death situation"