Tuesday, July 20, 2010

CVS- Money Making on Junk I Don't Need

Celsius $7.99 - $3.00 mc
2 CVS Pantyliners @ .50 each

Total: .52 after using $5.50 in ECB
Received: $8.99 ECB ($7.99 Celsius and $1.00 CVS Pantyliners)

So basically I came out $4.49 ahead because I paid with $5.50 in ECB and got back $8.99 in ECB. This makes up for the fact that they didn't have Edy's Dibs which was the reason that I went there in the first place.

I don't think that my husband noticed that I bought more pantyliners which is good because he already thinks I am crazy for all of the feminine hygiene products I have stashed.


  1. I think I have enough feminine hygiene products to last me until I go through menopause! My husband thinks the same thing...

  2. I told him that my daughter (who is one) can use them when she gets her period because maxi pads, etc. don't expire- you should have seen the look he gave me. I am crazy for stockpiling unless I stock the chest freezer with chocolate ice cream for him.
