Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Love Rebates!

One way that I get a lot of leeway in my grocery and household budgets are rebates. Paired with using coupons I usually make out pretty well.
One of my favorite ways to do rebates is all of the No Beer Purchase Required rebates. They usually have them in the beer section of stores or you can pay someone on Ebay for their time to find and collect the rebates. I save all of my receipts so when I do find a great rebate I just have to fill it out and mail it. Every few months a new batch usually comes out. I keep track of which ones I have already done in a spreadsheet so I don't accidentally send in two of the same one.
You can see if anyone is trading the forms on places like
Ebay is also great for buying coupons. If I know there is a sale coming up for something I use a lot I always check to see if there are any coupons available. This is how I got my great deal on Hebrew National hot dogs. Plus I never get coupons valued under $1 in my area so when I buy on Ebay I can get .75 coupons that double to $1.50 instead of the $1 coupon that comes in my paper.
Any money that I spend on rebates and coupons comes out of my weekly grocery/household budget and when I get the rebate checks in the mail I credit the money back into my budget.
This may seem like a lot of work to some but I get a good amount of great deals this way. Plus, my full time job is Mom, housekeeper, chef, nurse and head of the household accounting department (I do tell my husband that if I were someone who was being paid to do all of this I would have quit a long time ago- but he's my husband and they're my kids so I guess I'll have to continue in my duties).

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