Showing posts with label i hate laundry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i hate laundry. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nothing Is As Fun As A Barrel of Laundry Powder...

I figured since the majority of my life right now is spent doing laundry I may as well go balls to the wall about it.

I am now the proud owner of a 35 pound bucket of laundry powder, enough to keep me in indentured servitude for 1000 loads of laundry. At 9.5 cents a load it is a good deal, but not so good that I'm excited to wash clothes.

Charlie's Soap is the only detergent we use so how can I beat only paying 9.5 cents a load, having it shipped to my house for free and not having to worry about buying detergent for a million years (maybe not quite a million)?

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.

Monday, February 6, 2012

When Will It End...

Harmsworth's Household Encyclopedia
photo credit
Last night my two year old daughter puked all over herself while she was sleeping. The smell was absolutely hideous. My husband gave her a shower while I grabbed the puked on sheets and pajamas and threw them into the wash. Luckily she only randomly threw up that one time so we were good in the morning and I breathed a sigh of relief that I wouldn't have anymore laundry to do.

Then my son came downstairs this morning and proceeded to tell me that his diaper leaked (he's four but is a heavy sleeper so he still wears diapers to bed). I was highly annoyed, not at him but at myself. We let him stay up and watch the game last night but he fell asleep so my husband transported him to bed- I really should have woken him up to pee. More laundry.

Then I thought to myself what the heck- I've already changed the kids' sheets so I might as well change the sheets on my bed. Even more laundry.

Now I am officially behind on actual clothing laundry and I have a strong desire to just throw it all in trash bags and donate it so that I don't have to deal with it. Honestly, it seems like I either have a baby latched onto me or I'm chained to the washing machine. Forget about barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, this housewife is bare breasted and sleep deprived in the laundry room.

Lets just hope that there are no wayward diaper incidents or barf sessions tonight- if so I may just have to  have a dirty laundry bonfire in the backyard.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mountain of Laundry...

I have fallen desperately behind on laundry (under that pile are two baskets that are packed full).

The baby, for her small size, has dramatically added to the laundry pile. Add to that the fact that I don't have lots of time to actually fold and put away laundry and this is what I have.

Now that the holidays are done with I feel like I can catch back up. I have already done a few loads today, two of which are folded and in baskets and on that is chilling in the dryer as I write this.

 I will conquer this pile if it kills me!