My son is going to be a zombie for Halloween this year; more specifically a zombie from the game Plants vs. Zombies. I have his costume all set so the only thing left was to make his trick or treat bag.
Every year I make the kids trick or treats bags that match their costumes- I love doing it and I hope that it is something that they will remember when they get older though I won't count on it. Because my son is going to be a zombie, I decided to make him a brain bag- zombies just love brains.
To make this I found the above picture of a brain, blew it up to the appropriate size and printed it. I then cut it out and used it as a pattern to trace onto a piece of felt. I cut out the brain and set it to the side. I then took the brain picture and cut out each brain piece within the actual brain. I traced each of these onto another piece of felt that was a different shade than the first one. I cut each brain piece out and place them together like a puzzle onto the original felt brain. Once the pieces were laid out, I cut small bits of felt off of each one so that the color of the whole brain would show through. Once everything was looking good, I glued the smaller felt pieces to the felt brain with tacky glue and then glued the entire brain onto the bag.
As a side note, my original plan was to just cut out a felt brain and then use black puffy paint to draw on all of the brain lines. As it turns out, puffy paint is not something that lasts indefinitely- the stuff I had from a long time ago was no longer good and ended up bleeding when I used it on the felt. I am glad that happened though because I think the felt on felt look is way cooler.
And there you have it- a brain trick or treat bag that any zombie would be proud to carry!
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