Saturday, May 12, 2012

Six Months Old and Ready for Sumo Wrestling...

Six months old, and though I feel like I say this every month, I cannot believe how fast she is growing up.

Jilly Billy is my little sumo wrestler. I think it's comical when strangers ask me how old she is assuming she is older because she's so big and then they look at me (I am five feet tall and weight about 100 lbs) and wonder how little plumper came from me. My husband is 5' 11" and is average weight so Jilly will most likely stretch out so I'll just enjoy her chubbiness while I can- who doesn't love pinching pudgy baby cheeks?

When I look at her and how fast she is growing I feel tears welling up in my eyes. She is our last baby so I will never have these moment back again. I am glad that I had my tubes tied because after three c-sections and two pregnancies with placenta previa I don't feel like it would be a safe or responsible decision for me to have more children. In my heart I know that three kids is the right number for our family but at the same time it makes me a little sad to know that my baby days are over.

The only thing I can do it try to enjoy my Jilly Billy and her older brother and sister because before I know it they will be teenagers and will hate me and think I am the most embarrassing person on the planet. Even though the baby years are winding down there are still so many wonderful experiences for me to enjoy with my children as they grow and one day I'll be a grandma and will get to be around babies all over again- but then I'll get to hand the little buggers back when they get annoying!

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